
Its the Future of Manufacturing

Its the Future of Manufacturing
Eco-Friendly Plastics

Eco-Friendly Plastics


How It Works

Step 1

Designing the Model

The first step in the 3D printing process involves creating a digital design of the object to be printed. This is typically done using computer-aided design (CAD) software, which allows designers to construct detailed 3D models.

The design must be meticulously planned and structured because it directly influences the quality and detail of the final product.

Step 2

Slicing the Model

Before printing can begin, the digital model needs to be 'sliced' into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers which translates the 3D model into specific instructions (G-code) for the 3D printer.

The software allows users to adjust settings such as layer height and fill density, which affect the print’s strength, weight, and material usage.

Step 3

Printing the Object

It's time to start the 3D printer. The printer reads the G-code and begins to heat the filament, plastic material, until it reaches a semi-liquid form and then extrudes it onto the print bed, where it cools and solidifies.

This process is repeated layer by layer, adhering each new layer on top of the previous one until the entire object is completed.

Step 4


After printing, most 3D printed objects require some degree of post-processing, which can vary depending on the type of printer and material used.

This step involves cleaning off any support material used during printing, Post-processing is crucial for achieving the desired aesthetics and functionality of the 3D printed item, making it ready for practical use or further manufacturing stages.